Website Terms & Conditions

Conditions of Registration

When registering with you must agree to the following:

  • Acknowledge that the comments made by members of this site on auction details are those of the individual making them and not those of
  • That as a buyer, you honour any successfull bids you make on auctions..
  • That as a seller, you honour the sale and sell to the highest bidder.
  • That as a seller, you settle your account when it becomes due in a timely fashion.
  • That as a seller, you do not bid on your own auction/s to increase the final sale price.
  • That as a seller, you do not upload any illegal or offensive images.
  • That as a seller, you honestly describe the quality of the item/s you are selling
  • That you acknowledge that is not responsible for concluding transactions between a buyer and seller.
  • Not to use our site for any illegal or fraudulent purposes.
  • That you ackowledge the account authorisation deposit is a one-off single non-refundable deposit
  • That as a member, you do not use the messaging system for the purpose of spamming. Examples include, advertising a commercial website or sending any other unsolicited messages to other members of the site
  • That you agree to the site rules.
  • Site Rules

    The site rules outlined below are for the benefit of all our registered members. These rules must be adhered to. Any registered user who experiences problems relating to other users not adhering to these rules should contact We will endeavour to rectify the situation.

  • Seller's must ensure that the items described are what the buyer will receive e.g. a seller must not advertise a slide as an original and then send a duplicate of the slide to the buyer.
  • Seller's and Buyer's must conclude transactions in a timely fashion.
  • Seller's must not bid on their own auction
  • In the event that two or more equal winning proxy bids are placed, the system will decide based upon the first proxy bid placed, which one is the winning bid.
  • We do not accept responsibility for any users not adhering to our conditions and rules, but as mentioned before, we will try and help to rectify any problems.
  • You do not use the site messaging facility to spam other users
  • You do not use the website forum to post negative or defamatory comments on other users