Frequently Asked Questions

How can we help you?

Fees & Charges

Fees for selling on are set out below:

Auctions Selling Commission 7% 7% 7%
Shop Selling Commission 7% 7% 7%
Listing Fee 0.00 0.00 0.00
Re-list Fee 0.10 0.10 0.10
Feature Item 1.00 1.00 1.00

Accounts & Billing

When your account balance meets or exceeds the account credit limit, payment is due.

You can make an account payment from the Account Overview page.

You can pay via PayPal or Credit/Debit card using the Make Payment buttons. This will take you to a secure PayPal payment screen with the account balance already populated. Once payment is complete your account balance will immdediatley be updated and the payment shown in the Account Payments section.

The following are reasons why you may not be able to log-in:

You didnt complete the email verification process and when you try and log-in you receive the following message: 'This account has not been verified, please contact the site administrator'

Your username or password are incorrect. Use the forgot password link to reset your account password. Use the forgot username link to retrieve your account username.

Your account has been suspended and you recieve a message that the account has been suspended when you try and log-in. In this instance you need to contact to see if the issue can be resolved.

We welcome new members to the site and once you have regsistered and verified your email address you will be able to access the Account (members area of the site) where you can do things like contact other members of the site.

To bid/buy or sell however, you will need to Authorise your account.

The reason for this is to ensure we attract genuine enthusiasts and completing this extra step ensures smoother running of the site and deters timewasters or fraudulent activity.

The Authorisation process is pretty straight forwards. When you first log-in to the account area you will see a message informing you that you have not authorised your account.

To do so, you will need to make a 'one-off' non-refundable account deposit of 5 EUR/USD/GBP (depending on your account currency). This amount will be credited to your Aircraftslides account and will be off-set against any future selling fees. The payment process is straight forwards using PayPal or a Credit Card.

If you do not plan to sell through the site the Authorisation fee still has to be paid. As explained above, this is to deter bogus registrations, the credit will remain on your account in case you do perhaps which to sell in the future. If you have any further questions please contact us

Once you have completed the Authorisation payment your account will be immediatley enabled for bidding and selling on the site.

You can update your personal details and account password in the My Account page. You must be logged-in to do so!

Auction Bidding & Buy Now

You need have registered with the site and be logged-in to bid on auctions.

The system will auto-populate the Amount field with the next lowest bid.

You can however choose to enter a bid amount higher than the next bid. This is otherwise known as a 'proxy-bid' and means the system will do two things:

  • One, bid the lowest amount possible to make you the current highest bidder
  • Two, remember the amount you entered so the system can subsequently bid for you if you are outbid
  • A confirmation box will appear for you to confirm your bid and maximum bid amount to make sure you havent made a mistake before the bid is submitted.

    If you are outbid whilst away from the site, you will receive an email notification of being outbid (if you haven't turned off bidding notifications)

    Partial bids are not recognised if you enter them. Your bid needs to meet the next bid amount factoring in the auction increment so entering for example $43.01 will only achieve a bid of $43.00

    In the event of two bidders entering the same total bid amount (via proxy), the earliest placed bid takes precedent.

    Sellers can set auctions to have a 'Buy Now' price. This is the price the seller will accept and end the auction.

    When you view an auction and if you bid you will see a buy now Buy Now label. If you bid more than or equal to the buy now price, the auction will immediatley close with you having purchased the item for the buy now price.

    Note: If the buy now price isn't reached at normal conclusion of the auction but there is however a winning bid, the winning bid will win.

    There are a number of reasons why you may get an error message when bidding as follows:

    Bid Unsuccesfull - Auction is now closed
    This is self explanatory, you are likely to get this if you havent refreshed the page and tried to bid on an auction but the end time has passed.

    Bid Unsuccessful - you can't bid on your own auction!
    Again self explanatory, you cannot bid on your own auctions.

    Note: It probably goes without saying but as a seller you are not premitted to bid on your own auctions to increase the price. This practice is known as 'shill bidding' and you should not use another account to bid on your own auctions, if found doing so, it will result in immediate account closure.

    Bid Unsuccessful - you are blocked from bidding on this seller's auctions. Please contact the seller to resolve.
    The seller has used the Block Bidder function to stop you from bidding on their auctions. If this has happened you will need to contact the seller to try and resolve. All sellers have the right to block other users from bidding on their auctions.

    High bidding activity, max wait time exceeded please try again
    In rare situations, the system maybe too busy as a number of users are tryng to bid on the auction. You can try and bid again.

    New bid amount not updated as it doesnt exceed the next bid
    This occurs when you decide to up you maximum bid amount but the auction price has moved to higher than your new maximum bid. Refresh the auction and check the new price and update your max bid amount as required.

    Bid unsuccsessful - amount matched by an earlier bid
    You entered a new bid amount but it was equally matched by an ealier proxy bid made by another user.

    Bid unsuccessful, you were outbid by another bidder
    You were outbid by another bidders maximum bid amount (their proxy bid)


    The Invoicing system is a great way to speed up the after sales process. There is no need to sift through emails as the system automatically detects buyers that have not been invoiced and the items to include in the invoice.

    First Time Generating an Invoice ?
    If you have previously settled transactions by emailing or messaging the buyer then the first time you use the invoicing system you may need to first manually mark items that have been settled as 'invoiced' in the selling history page.

    Create the Invoice
    From the Account Menu, select Invoicing and then click the Compose button.

    Select Buyer
    From the Buyer drop-down select a Buyer (this list will be all buyers with outstanding items that have not been invoiced yet).

    The Description (name of the invoice) is auto-generated for you but you can change it if required.

    Invoice Items
    When you select the Buyer, the system auto-populates all outstanding (un-invoiced) items. You can de-select any items from the invoice if required. If you do this, the item will appear on the next invoice you create for the buyer. You can stop that happening by doing what we covered earlier (marking the item invoiced manually in the selling history page)

    Enter a Postage Amount if required

    Other Amount
    You can add another amount to the invoice if required. When doing so you can also add a Description for what the additional charge is.

    Payment Instructions
    Enter any payment instructions for the buyer

    Invoice Footer
    You can add any addditional text you want here.

    Once you have entered all the information click 'Preview' to see what the invoice will look like. If you are happy with the content of the invoice, click the Add button to generate the invoice

    The Buyer will receive an Email and new Message on the site informing them of the invoice.

    When using the Invoicing system, you can speed-up the process of leaving feedback for the whole invoice and associated items. Simply go to the Invoicing list, check the invoice you want to leave feedback for and click the 'Leave Feedback' button.

    The feedback will be posted to the buyers profile and listed as 'Multiple Items'

    Using this feauture speeds up the Feedback process by avoiding to have to leave feedback on items individually for the same buyer.

    Mark Shipped
    Similar to leaving feedback, a seller can select an invoice and mark the whole invoice shipped.

    When doing this, all items in the invoice will be marked as shipped. This is helpful for keeping track of what has been sent and also allows buyers to see when the items are shipped in their 'Buying History'

    When marking an invoice and its items as 'Shipped', you can also leave a 'Shipping Comment'. For example, you could enter a package tracking number.

    Leaving Feedback and marking items Shipped is optional but helpful!

    Member Ratings & Feedback

    Member Ratings help give site users an idea of how easy it is to do business with other site users.

    The member rating is derived from a number of factors as follows:

  • How long the member has been active on the site
  • The % of positive feedback received from other site users
  • Whether the member has been blocked by a number of sellers
  • Whether the member has received an recommendation
  • To improve your member rating you should try and achieve the following:

  • Achieve a 90%+ positive feedback from other users
  • Not be blocked by to many sellers
  • Request an recommendation
  • The latter is something we will only consider when you have operated an account for over 1 year, achieved consistent good feedback and not been blocked by any other users. If you achieve this you could gain the 5 Star rating

    Note: if you've only been registered on the site for less than three months, the maximum rating will be 1 Star but this should quickly increase as time goes by and you recieve positive feedback.

    If you have bought or sold items through the site, you can leave feedback on the selling/buying experience. Doing so is optional, but will help other site users guage the ease of doing business with other site members.

    Feedback can be left from the Buying & Selling History pages by selecting the relevent item/s and clicking the Leave Feedback button.

    You do not need to enter any feedback message, you can simply use the voting buttons and leave a 'thumbs up', 'thumbs down' or neutral response.

    The feedback will be posted to the users profile. In the event of disatisfaction, you should not leave any abusive or derogatory comments, just a fair summary of why you are leaving such feedback.

    Sellers using the invoicing system can leave feedback for all invoiced items very quickly and the feedback will be listed as 'Multiple Items'.

    Listing Auctions

    You can add new auction listings once you have registered with the site and authorised your account for buying and selling.

    The auction listing (Add Auction) page provides some useful tips on entering data in the page itself juct click on the icon for a helpful tip. Key points to note:

  • Certain fields are required and if not entered you will be asked to add the information
  • You can set a Buy Now price for the auction
  • You can choose from a number of categories to list the item in
  • You can add keywords to make the item even more searchable
  • You can set an auction to start immediately or up to 7 days in advance
  • You can adjust the start and end time of auctions
  • You can optionally list 'Quality Indicators' that help others understand the item condition
  • You can upload an image of up to 250k in size
  • You can watermark an image to help protect it from re-producton/copying
  • Auction End Times

    We advise you not to set your auctions to all end at the same time. Doing so will reduce your chances of achieving a higher final price as bidders can't bid on multiple items at the same time!

    Quality Indicators

    We've given you a set of Quality Indicators that will help you correctly describe the quality of the slide/item. Please use these if possible as collectors/buyers will be quite particular about this and it will avoid disputes, alternatively mention anything relevant in the Other Information section.

    Uploading Images

    Most sellers generate their images using a 35MM Slide scanner. These are easily obtainable on-line and allow you to create a jpeg/jpg image from the slide. Note the image you upload must be no more than 250k in size, this is large enough to create a good quality image for auction purposes. Once you have created the image, save it somewhere locally on your computer and in the Add Auction page click the 'Choose file' button to select and add the image.

    Watermark Image

    When uploading images, sellers can choose to add a discreet watermark to the image. This can help protect the image from being used elsewhere. This is optional.

    Preview Auction

    Once you have entered all of the required data and selected the image you will be taken to the Auction Preview screen. Here you can check the details are correct and either go back and make changes or confirm and add the auction.

    You can do the following to improve the 'searchability' of new auction listings:

  • Include in the description, details of the aircraft type, location, serial no. and date
  • Select the most appropriate category for the listing
  • Use the Aircraft Type & Keywords field
  • The Aircraft Type & Keywords field is pre-populated with numerous aircraft types for your convenience but it is a 'free-text' field and as such you can enter any keywords you wish or select a type and add keywords. For example:

    You could select 'McDonnell Douglas F4H/F-110/F-4 Phantom II' and leave this as the only entry or you could also add some other keywords such as Phantom MDD F4

    Our search algorithm looks at single blocks of text so for the example above it would be worth adding a separate keyword F4 if its not in the description.

    Using this field is optional so it's up to you!

    With thousands of listings per month it can be worth considering featuring your item.

    Featuring an Item will result in the following:

  • The item will be listed on the Home Page
  • The item will appear around the site in random places and order
  • The item will be highlighted in listings to make it stand-out
  • New

    We've created a new feature for featured items where your item will be featured on the account.

    The item will be posted to X (formerly Twitter) with hash-tags. The hash-tags are derived from the auction description and keywords for example #F4 #Phantom #Mildenhall #153056-NF202 the post will also provide a link back to your auction on the site.

    This will increase the visibility of your auction.

    There is a fee for featuring items as outlined in the Fees Section. Consider whether it's worthwhile featuring the auction i.e. this is suited to more popular, higher value slides where the fee is worth paying.

    If you need to go back and make changes to an auction listing, you can do so from the Current Selling page. Click the button to edit the auction.

    Note: Some fields will be read-only if the auction has received bids. This is to stop any material changes being made to the item, fields such as description, quality indicators.

    You can also now also decide to feature an item part way through the auction duration. See Feature Auction above.

    You can delete an auction that has not receieved bids by clicking the button.

    Auction Closure & After Sales Process does not manage the after sales process. Buyers and Sellers should complete the transaction between themselves.

    Upon auction closure, both buyer and seller should receive an email to inform them of the successful sale/purchase. You can also see bought/sold items in the Account> Buying & Selling History pages

    Buyer's and seller's should aim to complete transaction within two weeks of auction closure (allowing for holidays). Should no contact be received from the other party within this time, then you should contact us and we will attempt to bring the transaction to a conclusion.

    As a buyer you should follow the sellers payment instructions listed on the auction (these are also provided in the auction email notification.). Some sellers for example will say, wait for invoice. Follow the sellers instructions.

    Please note: You are obliged (by the sites rules) to purchase/sell an item when an auction completes successfully unless there is a good reason for not doing so. We will happily mediate these situations and unforseen events do occur from time to time but persistent non-payers or deliverers will have their site account closed.

    Shops Selling Process

    AircraftSlides allows registered members to create their own Shop, an alternative to listing in the main Shops and Categories. Shops are a great alternative to trying to run and maintain your own website!

    Your own Shop is hosted within the site and you can personalise it with your own Shop Name, Description and even create your listing categories.

    To set-up your shop, follow the simple steps here

    When you set-up your shop, you will be asked to specify what items you are selling. You can choose to sell Slides with multiple quantities, Prints (in all the regular sizes) and Digital Images. You can choose any one or all of these options.

    You can initially create up to 5 categories for your shop. This helps you and prospective buyers 'home in' on the items of interest. Your shop also comes with a Shop Search facility.

    Once you have created your shop, we'll do a quick check to make sure it's set-up right and once authorised you can start listing!

    Listing in Shops is straight forward and much the same as listing Auction Items.

    Select Add Item from the Shop Menu and select the shop you wish to list in. By default, you will see the main AircraftSlides Shops and if you have your own Shop this will appear too.

    As with Auctions, you can set selling defaults for the shop to speed up the process of adding items. Simply add a description, enter the item details such as slide type, print dimensions or digital image sizes, upload an image, preview the details and if all is good, list the item in the shop.

    The item will remain in the shop until you de-list it. If you are listing slides with a quantity or more than 1, as items are ordered the quantity available will automatically be updated.

    Digital Images

    With Digital Images, you have the option to specify up to 5 options.

    You will be asked to enter a description that should include things like the size, resolution and price.

    You should only sell Digital Images and Prints if you own the Copyright to the image!

    When you lst Digital Images you should also specify the terms of use and license. These could be as follows:

  • Personal Use Only
  • Commercial Use
  • Editorial Options
  • Once you have entered all the relevant info the item will become live on the site and you will see the item in your current selling list and within Shop Management

    When a buyer finds an item of interest in a shop, they can place an order fro items from the item detail page. Depending on what the seller listed (slides/prints/digital) the relevant purchase options will be available.

    The buyer can select from the available options and for slides specify the quantity. The order summary page will display an Order Total which is for the unit items being purchased. This excludes postage as this will depend upon items ordered and quantities.

    The buyer may also at this stage request tracked shipping. This will apply mainly to slides or prints unless digital media is being delivered by mail as opposed to email or file transfer.

    When the buyer places the order an email notfication will go to both the buyer and seller. At this stage the order is deemed as 'Processing' and will require the Seller to complete the Order.

    The order can be completed by the seller in the Shop Selling History page. Items that need completing have a Complete Order button indicating the order needs completing.

    At this stage the seller will enter the relevant postage costs and add any comments indicating how to complete payment etc. The seller can review the final order total and once checked click the 'Complete Order' button. This will trigger an order confirmation to the buyer and completes the order. The order status can be seen by both seller and buyer in the Buying and Selling hoistory pages.

    Technical Questions

    There are numerous web browsers on the Internet. We have tried to make sure that the webiste is compatible with all popular browsers but there may be cases where your browser version is too old and the site doesn't render properly.

    Below are a list of Browsers and versions that have been tested. If your browser does not render the site properly or you cant use certain features, you will need to upgrade your browser version

    Safari (Mac Browser)
    Version 13 onwards

    Chrome (Google)
    Version 109 onwards

    Version 85 onwards

    Microsoft Edge
    Tested on Version 121 but should work on most versions

    Internet Explorer
    The latest version 11 was retired in 2022 and replaced with Edge in 2015
    The site will not work properly with Internet Explorer!

    Not tested but should work on latest versions

    Our site uses the HTTPS protocol which means data bewteen you and our site is fully encrypted during transit.

    Your personal details are stored securely in our database and your password is encrypted meaning not even can see what your password is.

    Whilst no company can guarantee data security 100%, you can be confident that our site uses the latest industry standards for data security.

    Have more questions?

    Contact us at

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