AircraftSlides Forum

Website New Features - Posts
15 Apr 2024, 12:52


Auction Listings: List or Gallery View

The auction listings now offer two buttons to toggle between List or Grid View 

This feature was added by popular request.  The feature is available on all auction listings and will be added to the Auction Search screen soon.

19 Mar 2024, 16:03


Bid Increment Fix and Auction Listings New Items

There was an issue with sellers being able to put in a negative bid increment !  This has been fixed, the issue caused an auction to have in excess of 190k bids which impacted the site slightly yesterday!  

All auction listings now order 'New Items' by auction id chronologically which guarantees you see the latest listings in each list 

14 Mar 2024, 08:50


Invoice Selling Reminder

This button has been added to invoices so sellers can send an invoice reminder for outstanding invoices 

20 Feb 2024, 13:55


Making Account Payments

Account payments are now automatic and real-time. Simply go to the My Account page and when your account balance is due, use the PayPal or Credit Card payment buttons. 

Upon completion of the payment process, your account balance will be immediately updated.

Note: Please do not send direct or partial payments to, use the payment feature provided, this will ensure proper logging and audit of your payment and avoid missed processing.

If you have a valid case for making a commission refund request, we will consider this upon you providing the justification for the refund and us checking this.  These should be sent to 

20 Feb 2024, 13:44


Bidding Increment & Matched Bids

The bidding process has been improved and actually simplified as follows:
All bids must now meet or exceed the next increment to be placed.  Bids like $35.01 will not win an auction if an earlier bid of $35 is placed, the $35.01 bid would need to meet the next bid amount so for example with an increment of $1, would need to be $36.  This was requested by multiple sellers.
Matched Bid
On the bidding details of an auction, you may see ‘Matched Bid’.   This is when an earlier placed ‘Maximum Bid’ (‘Proxy Bid’) beats a later placed bid of the same value.  Earlier placed bids take precedent where equal bids are placed.

20 Feb 2024, 13:36


Adding Auctions

Adding Auctions works in much the same way, you enter the auction information, preview the auction and Add! 
There are some new features here worth noting:
Aircraft Type & Keywords
This field allows you to select an aircraft type which will help with buyers searching for your auctions.  The field is free text so you do not have to select a type but you can do so and you can also add other pertinent keywords you feel relevant.  If you do not enter a type or keywords your auction can only be found by its description so it’s worth considering this.
Image Watermark
We’ve introduced a simple watermark process that strategically places some text well within the image bounds to make it difficult for others to use/copy your image.  This is optional.
Feature Item
Featuring an Item will also now post it to the AircraftSlides X account (formerly twitter).  This will help increase the visibility of your auctions with a link back to the site when for example existing/new enthusiasts may be searching for items on Social Media.  The image is hash-tagged (e.g. #F-4) by using text from the description, aircraft type and keywords data.
Note: You can also now Feature an item after you have added the auction if you want to.

20 Feb 2024, 13:21


Shipping Info

New in the latest release is the ability for sellers to mark items ‘shipped’ and add an optional shipping comment, for example a tracking number.  Buyers will see that an item/s have been marked ship and can read the shipping comment.  If you used to email buyers after shipping items, there is now no need!

20 Feb 2024, 13:19



We’ve improved the invoicing system.  It’s now even easier to manage the after-sales process.  The system works in much the same way as the old one but now provides the ability to add in an additional invoice amount if required.
Furthermore, when using the invoicing system you can fast-track leaving feedback on the associated invoice items as well as marking all items shipped (optional)
Try it out after your auctions close, it should make marrying-up buyers to auctions a breeze!

20 Feb 2024, 13:12


Feedback & Member Ratings

We’ve introduced a new Feedback system and Member Rating.  We encourage you to leave feedback on your buying and/or selling experience post auction closure.  You can do this from the Buying and Selling History pages as a single or bulk action.  You do not leave to leave any detailed comments, you can simply give a positive, neutral or negative response. 
The Member Rating gives other users an indication of how easy and reliable a member is to do business with.  Member Ratings are derived from things like time someone has been a member, amount of positive feedback and whether someone has been blocked from bidding by other users.